Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 84: The Final Stretch
Today, MBC Frontline had a Memorial Day Picnic. Although it was raining at times we had so much fun. Great food and athletic activities for all those who attended. Somehow P90X had spread to people who I casually mentioned to 2 months ago and who have been surprisingly following my blog. They have been so motivated by the blog and have been getting updates by other random strangers about me. One gentleman who is part of MBC frontline was so motivated that he purchased the P90X program and said if he was not ripped by the Fall retreat he would give me $1000. I gave him fair warning that he had to mentally prepare for it!! I might even have a local pastor start the P90x program.
More exciting news is that Pete finally had to have his first workout in the bathroom of a hotel three weeks ago. He is taking the program seriously and I am proud of him for taking it to the next level. I thought I was crazy but he also has exercised late at 1 am :) There was one time he missed the day's program that he woke up at 4am to do back to back (2hrs) workout regime to keep up to par with his schedule. Now that is dedication.
Recently, I attended two of my friend's 30th B-day party and some have not seen me in months. They were shocked to see the difference in me. A couple at the party who I met for the first time are now seriously considering starting P90X this summer. It is so exciting to see how so many want to make a change in their life and it was just a small push they needed to get started.
This is my last week of P90X and I will be celebrating my friend's B-day weekend. What happens in Cedar Point stays in Cedar
See you guys at the end of the week!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Day 71: Motivating others to eat right!
There is no doubt in my mind, I am a walking billboard for P90X. I have noticed over the past two months that not only have I been changing my life, but now the program has motivated me to share and give advice to others around me to eat healthier and exercise.
This past weekend it was fun helping Ryan pick out healthy foods from the P90X nutritional manual. He has finally made the "mental "decision to start eating judiciously and eventually incorporating various exercises to living a healthier lifestyle. Bravo!
We both sat down and listed all the foods he would eat from various categories ranging from Protein to Carbs which he could incorporate into his daily meals. After our extensive shopping list we headed over to Safeway. I finally noticed the strategic placement of carb-loaded foods when you walk in the store. I was in shock as I have entered the same door numerous times and it never crossed my mind. We live in a society where we try to fill our stomachs with the quickest and easiest foods available that obviously taste good, but due to convenience and instant gratification, our society is struggling with obesity.
Our first attempt to shop at Safeway failed as they were re-stocking all the shelves and everything was in shambles. We tried another Safeway but by the time we got there it was too late as we had to meet up with a group of friends for dinner and a movie. Luckily, I worked out during the day so I was able to enjoy the night and hangout with friends. We saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It was a good movie but for some reason had bad reviews?
The next day, I was able to do my laundry and clean my room, finally. It seems like there is never a weekend free. Another attempt was made with Ryan to go shopping. We went back to Safeway bypassing the carb aisle which Ryan was eyeing very closely:) We have been talking all week about getting his kitchen in order for him to start on Monday and we finally had all our shopping done. In with the good food and out with the bad as we surprised Ryan's roommates with all the healthy food we brought into the house.
It feels great to help Ryan and other like Pete, Chirag, etc... By no means do I claim to be a nutritional expert but I have laid the foundation for myself and hope to at least inspire and drive others to make healthier decisions.
Thanks for your support!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Day 65: Bringing P90X to the Family... Philly Style

So after a wonderful meet and greet, I went to my parents house to rest as I was very tired. Around 5pm on Saturday, my cousins decide to come over and they bring over their gym clothes to workout. You must be wondering what that was all about. Somehow word got around about my P90X program (during my Easter weekend in Philly (See Day 42) and the results I have achieved thus far. So they wake me up and tell me to do my workout for the day so they can participate. Without hesitation I proceeded downstairs with my brother's laptop and DVD. There were four of us lined up in a row: Joby (cousin), Rekha (cousin) Charley (brother), and myself. Video coming soon if my brother sends it to me! So we get started and my cousin Joby drops out in 15 minutes and my brother in 30 minutes. So it is Rekha and I trucking through. The only other person that has survived a full P90X workout with me was Michael aka "Lock Dancer" from my small group bible study. As we workout, Tony Horton, (the trainer on the DVD) who likes to joke around tells us that we should keep going even though our muscles are burning and for us not to think about Twinkies! Well, my cousin who I won't mention her name goes upstairs to the kitchen and brings a pound cake and starts eating it while we were working out. I warned her this would go on the blog. With just 5 minutes to go Rekha has a second wind and completes the entire workout. Wow..the first female to workout with me and take it all the way. I was very impressed! She already has emailed me that she was very sore the next day and was having second thoughts about starting the I remember my first day with the program as my heart was pounding and I wasn't sure I made the right decision to start the program, but I am so happy that I continued.
Later, after our workout we all went upstairs and got some desert. Ice Cream, chocolate cake(my favorite) and whip cream to top it off. What a nice way to finish a workout. Just kidding...just seeing if you guys are awake. Three other family members stopped by and we all decided to go bowling and play pool. Somehow we all got in a conversation about eating healthy and exercising. Now three of my family members Rekha, Jiji and Gibson want to start P90X. Right now I am helping them get started as they buy the basic equipments and DVDs.
I have been really passionate about my health and exercise since I have started the P90x program. Results are proven to be true if you stay steadfast with the program and nutrition manual. The enthusiasm is starting to spread like wildfire and people are starting to gain interest. So far my friend Pete, Chirag, and some others have started the program.
There are others out there who want to do something about changing their lifestyle and I am here to give advice on food or exercise. My friend Ryan who I spoke to today wants to start changing his eating habits so this weekend I will be taking him shopping and showing him all the right foods to purchase as we throw away all his junk food!
Below are some bible verses that motivate and give me a strong will power to succeed!
Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (NIV)
Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (NIV)
Thanks for your support..God bless