Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Day 90: It's finally over!!!
Last weekend was my friend Pete's B-day celebration. Luckily, I was able to get off from work on Friday and so our adventure started Thursday evening. Since it was my last week and I was in recovery mode, Thursday happened to be my day of rest. So after work we all left straight to Sandusky, Oh Cedar Point and arrived around 2AM to our hotel rooms. Friday morning, I was able to work out to Core Synergistics and was able to finish by 10am once again in a hotel room. I can't count the number of times I had to work out in a confined space.
As we arrived at Cedar point we wondered what our first ride would be. You don't want to know how we started off, but I will tell you anyway. The first ride Pete, Nick, and I were on was the Carousel- which is the lowest level on the totem pole of thrill. Somehow, Kevin manged to take a video of us on it. The next several rides were level 5 and it was an amazing experience. I have to say this, Mean streak is a terrible ride and I thought I was fit and healthy, but I almost tore apart at the end of the ride. After a few more roller coater and water rides it was close to 10 pm. The last Cinderella ride was The Maverick and boy it was it incredible! What a way to end the day.
Our next trip was to make it to Columbus, Ohio where Pete's parents live. We survived the ride and made it in by 1:30 am. Pete's mom made some Phillipiano food for all us. We retired for the night by 3 am. The next morning I woke up early and headed to the basement to finish my last workout of the P90X program-Yoga. What a relief to be all done. I never thought I would be in Ohio and in a basement finishing the program. To finish off the day we had a nice brunch prepared by Pete's mom and then we played several hours of Badminton.
Next stop was Pittsburgh. Showed my friends Lu Lu's a favorite restaurant of mine and where I munched when I was a college student at Pitt after a crazy day of working out at the gym. We took a stroll and I showed them around Pitt campus and where my wife and I met for the first time. Boy did it bring back memories of the good old times. Later that night we went to watch Detroit and the Pens play hockey followed by Dave and Buster's at the Waterfront.
We then went back to my in-laws house to retire after a long day.
The next day, my in-laws, friends, and I all went out to eat at Taj Mahal, an Indian restaurant. It was Ryan's first time eating Indian food. Since it was a buffet he was able to try a variety of things. We had to force him to try different things like the gulab jamun which he ended up liking.
Well it was time to leave and the Indian food sedated us throughout our trip as we fought to keep awake on our trip back to VA:)
P90X is an incredible exercise program that I would recommend to anyone looking to become fit, loose weight, or wanting to get ripped. The results show for themselves as I am happy to be a byproduct of the program. It has been a lifestyle change particularly my eating habits. Now I eat breakfast, 2snacks, lunch, and dinner. Who would have thought I had time to even eat breakfast. With seven people starting the program after being inspired really motivates me to encourage others to live a healthier lifestyle.
So from here I am will continue with P90x exercises on certain days and play sports on alternate days. I will continue with the nutritional plan and make food decisions that are wiser before putting it into my mouth. My wife can attest to my changes as she is making at least some modifications herself from my influence.
Thank you all for being there for me and keeping me accountable to the P90x program!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 84: The Final Stretch
Today, MBC Frontline had a Memorial Day Picnic. Although it was raining at times we had so much fun. Great food and athletic activities for all those who attended. Somehow P90X had spread to people who I casually mentioned to 2 months ago and who have been surprisingly following my blog. They have been so motivated by the blog and have been getting updates by other random strangers about me. One gentleman who is part of MBC frontline was so motivated that he purchased the P90X program and said if he was not ripped by the Fall retreat he would give me $1000. I gave him fair warning that he had to mentally prepare for it!! I might even have a local pastor start the P90x program.
More exciting news is that Pete finally had to have his first workout in the bathroom of a hotel three weeks ago. He is taking the program seriously and I am proud of him for taking it to the next level. I thought I was crazy but he also has exercised late at 1 am :) There was one time he missed the day's program that he woke up at 4am to do back to back (2hrs) workout regime to keep up to par with his schedule. Now that is dedication.
Recently, I attended two of my friend's 30th B-day party and some have not seen me in months. They were shocked to see the difference in me. A couple at the party who I met for the first time are now seriously considering starting P90X this summer. It is so exciting to see how so many want to make a change in their life and it was just a small push they needed to get started.
This is my last week of P90X and I will be celebrating my friend's B-day weekend. What happens in Cedar Point stays in Cedar Point...lol
See you guys at the end of the week!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Day 71: Motivating others to eat right!
There is no doubt in my mind, I am a walking billboard for P90X. I have noticed over the past two months that not only have I been changing my life, but now the program has motivated me to share and give advice to others around me to eat healthier and exercise.
This past weekend it was fun helping Ryan pick out healthy foods from the P90X nutritional manual. He has finally made the "mental "decision to start eating judiciously and eventually incorporating various exercises to living a healthier lifestyle. Bravo!
We both sat down and listed all the foods he would eat from various categories ranging from Protein to Carbs which he could incorporate into his daily meals. After our extensive shopping list we headed over to Safeway. I finally noticed the strategic placement of carb-loaded foods when you walk in the store. I was in shock as I have entered the same door numerous times and it never crossed my mind. We live in a society where we try to fill our stomachs with the quickest and easiest foods available that obviously taste good, but due to convenience and instant gratification, our society is struggling with obesity.
Our first attempt to shop at Safeway failed as they were re-stocking all the shelves and everything was in shambles. We tried another Safeway but by the time we got there it was too late as we had to meet up with a group of friends for dinner and a movie. Luckily, I worked out during the day so I was able to enjoy the night and hangout with friends. We saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It was a good movie but for some reason had bad reviews?
The next day, I was able to do my laundry and clean my room, finally. It seems like there is never a weekend free. Another attempt was made with Ryan to go shopping. We went back to Safeway bypassing the carb aisle which Ryan was eyeing very closely:) ....lol We have been talking all week about getting his kitchen in order for him to start on Monday and we finally had all our shopping done. In with the good food and out with the bad as we surprised Ryan's roommates with all the healthy food we brought into the house.
It feels great to help Ryan and other like Pete, Chirag, etc... By no means do I claim to be a nutritional expert but I have laid the foundation for myself and hope to at least inspire and drive others to make healthier decisions.
Thanks for your support!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Day 65: Bringing P90X to the Family... Philly Style

So after a wonderful meet and greet, I went to my parents house to rest as I was very tired. Around 5pm on Saturday, my cousins decide to come over and they bring over their gym clothes to workout. You must be wondering what that was all about. Somehow word got around about my P90X program (during my Easter weekend in Philly (See Day 42) and the results I have achieved thus far. So they wake me up and tell me to do my workout for the day so they can participate. Without hesitation I proceeded downstairs with my brother's laptop and DVD. There were four of us lined up in a row: Joby (cousin), Rekha (cousin) Charley (brother), and myself. Video coming soon if my brother sends it to me! So we get started and my cousin Joby drops out in 15 minutes and my brother in 30 minutes. So it is Rekha and I trucking through. The only other person that has survived a full P90X workout with me was Michael aka "Lock Dancer" from my small group bible study. As we workout, Tony Horton, (the trainer on the DVD) who likes to joke around tells us that we should keep going even though our muscles are burning and for us not to think about Twinkies! Well, my cousin who I won't mention her name goes upstairs to the kitchen and brings a pound cake and starts eating it while we were working out. I warned her this would go on the blog. With just 5 minutes to go Rekha has a second wind and completes the entire workout. Wow..the first female to workout with me and take it all the way. I was very impressed! She already has emailed me that she was very sore the next day and was having second thoughts about starting the program...lol I remember my first day with the program as my heart was pounding and I wasn't sure I made the right decision to start the program, but I am so happy that I continued.
Later, after our workout we all went upstairs and got some desert. Ice Cream, chocolate cake(my favorite) and whip cream to top it off. What a nice way to finish a workout. Just kidding...just seeing if you guys are awake. Three other family members stopped by and we all decided to go bowling and play pool. Somehow we all got in a conversation about eating healthy and exercising. Now three of my family members Rekha, Jiji and Gibson want to start P90X. Right now I am helping them get started as they buy the basic equipments and DVDs.
I have been really passionate about my health and exercise since I have started the P90x program. Results are proven to be true if you stay steadfast with the program and nutrition manual. The enthusiasm is starting to spread like wildfire and people are starting to gain interest. So far my friend Pete, Chirag, and some others have started the program.
There are others out there who want to do something about changing their lifestyle and I am here to give advice on food or exercise. My friend Ryan who I spoke to today wants to start changing his eating habits so this weekend I will be taking him shopping and showing him all the right foods to purchase as we throw away all his junk food!
Below are some bible verses that motivate and give me a strong will power to succeed!
Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (NIV)
Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (NIV)
Thanks for your support..God bless
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Day 59: Pics for my Brother-in-law...He deserves it!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Day 56: Phase 2 complete..Now let's Bring It
On Friday, Ryan, Kevin, Eric, and I went to "Breakout", a volunteer service to provide respite to parents who have children with Down's syndrome, Autism, and other disorders. It was quite a task and fun to keep the children busy. Playing freeze tag to jumping in the moon bounce was fun for the kids. The night ended with a movie for the children as the parents arrived at 10 pm to pick them up. Well, the night was still young, so we decided to head to Clarendon to get some protein at a Peruvian chicken restaurant. After inhaling half a pound of chicken with the guys, we decided to hang out until 1:00 am. Mind you I still needed to workout. Ryan stuck around to get me started for about 1/2 hour and left me to complete Core Synergistics. I was done around 2 am and headed straight to bed.
The next day, I slept in to recoup from the previous night. Stayed indoors most of the day as it was very hot outside. I accomplished to get some chores done around the house. Ryan came by later at 7 pm and we decided to get some grocery shopping done and tried to pick up a movie but Redbox was out of order. We went to Blockbuster and picked up "When the Day Stood Still" or something like that. I was dosing off during the movie as it was quite a bore. Well, again it was 1 am and I had to workout. I am not really sure why I didn't workout earlier besides the fact it was another hot day and I waited for it to cool down. Ryan this time waited until I put the DVD in before he left. I was by myself and kept going until my last drop of sweat hit the floor.
The next morning, I woke up and ate breakfast. Eric comes around 11:30, picks me up as we head to Ryan's place to have my Day 56 pictures to be taken. We took several round of pictures and I was happy to be able to compare my Day 28 and Day 56 pictures. Noticeable differences but hoping to take it to the next level at Phase 3. It is now or never!
So all of us decided to meet up with Eric's friends at Baja Fresh to have lunch. Following lunch we visited some more friends at the basketball courts. It was still another blistering hot day. As Ryan headed home, Eric and I went to Tyson's Mall. We just walked around and exchanged stories as it was time to head to Mclean Bible Church. Service was great as always!
Thankfully, today was a day of rest both biblically speaking and for my P90x exercise routine. I can't wait to get started on Phase 3. Muscle confusion here we come as I am ready to get my butt kicked! Thanks for all your support.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Day 50: Bringing P90X to NYC
After 5 minutes into warm ups, Mike who is the infamous "lock" dancer decides to work out with me. He was surprisingly able to keep up for a while. I was happy that at least he tried. The two others who worked out with me during Easter weekend were my mother who lasted 5 minutes and my brother about 20 minutes. It is always great to see their efforts which always motivates and inspires me to work even harder.
So we finally arrived in NJ around midnight as I arrived with a bouquet of flowers for my wife. She was happy with the pleasant gift and card. Some of my friends were meeting Ami for the first time. After a few hours of rambling we all hit the sack and retired for the night.
Saturday morning we all awoke and had breakfast. Mike comes up to me and tells me he wants to give P90x another try. This time he said he was mentally prepared. We decided we would workout in the living room and put in the DVD. It was Kenpo X DVD and I am proud to say that Mike kept up with me the whole 60 minutes from warm up to cool down! I was very impressed by his determination and willingness to try again. It just goes to show you that if you put your mind to something you can achieve greatness.
See Video of Mike and I workout (taken by our very own Mr. Nichols) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABJr88fxsfE
We finally drove into NYC! We initially headed to Time Square and purchased tickets at TKTS for Phantom of the Opera and Chicago. Since we had time to kill before the show we went to Chinatown and ate at Joe's Shanghai. We had Kevin demonstrate once gain the "Double Han" (Video coming soon) After a an incredible dinner we went to Wall street taking some hilarious pictures. I will tell you some of my friends have creative minds when it comes to taking pictures at the rear of a statue of a bull. Well after a night out and a Broadway show we came back to NJ staying up a few more hours playing cards.
We all awoke Sunday morning pretty late. We connected our laptop to the TV and watched live stream at 10:45 am to www.mcleanbible.org/internetcampus to listen to a sermon given by Pastor Lon Solomon. It was a great message that spoke to all us.
It was soon approaching lunch time and what better way to end the weekend but to drive into Philly to get Pat's and Geno's steaks. It was special for a few who came into Philly for the first time and especially for Pete who went all out by ordering steak and cheese fries before he was to start his P90x program the next day. It was his last feast before he started on his 90 day nutrition plan. I remember my "last meal" being at Maggiono's the day before I started P90X.
This journey thus far has been fun and exciting. I have been able to have fun and workout at the same time. Balancing time for everything that comes your way is KEY! I am close to achieving my ideal weight at 135. I have lost close to 15 pounds already.
Will keep you guys posted!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Day 42: Happy Easter!!!
People ask me how is that I am able to keep going with my P90x program, even to the late night hours even when I am down and out. My discipline and focus comes from my life experiences. I have gone through some tough times and because I had Christ in my life I was able to persevere and have faith in Him to get me through. When you have God in your life and have a personal intimate relationship like a father and son, you can overcome anything and do anything. My friends in college know my motto: "Anything is possible" Try pouring down hot sauce for 30 seconds in your mouth. (By the way I did pay for it the next day)
For many God is out there somewhere busy doing his own thing and to others he just doesn't exist. God is out of reach to some. So why can't we all have this relationship or abundant life? It is because of sin and it separates us from God. We can't know or experience God's love and plan for our life. I am first to admit I am a sinner. Romans 3:23 "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
I have never really opened up to people and it one of my flaws in life. I put up a wall and I am letting it down slowly as I have been disappointed too many times. Trusting someone has been a hard thing for me and I am learning to open up. Even blogging is a new concept that I am only trying only because Nir my "manager" suggested I do it...lol
So we were meant to have fellowship with God, but because we have our own free will and we chose to go our own independent way, our relationship with God was broken. So how do we bridge this gap? Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin. Through Christ we can know and experience God's love and plan for your life. I Corithians 15:3-6 "Christ died for our sins...He was buried...He was raised on the third day... He appeared to Peter then to the twelve. After that he appeared to more than five hundred.." Romans 5:8 "God demonstrates his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, the truth , and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me."
Growing up, I was expected to be this perfect child getting good grades and behaving well in the eyes of others. Growing up in a Christian family wasn't easy especially when the first New Testament Church in Philadelphia started in our very own home. I remember just a few families gathering at our house for services and now it has grown to over 350 members. You can imagine the pressure I was under. I felt like I was living a life that was just a show and going through the motions. I didn't feel like there was a true and meaningful relationship between God and I. I couldn't really fully express myself or even share my thoughts as I felt I might be judged or embarrassed.
I later understood one day at an outside church meeting in Camden, NJ (rough neighborhood)meant for drug addicts, homeless, and those whose lives were in complete shambles. God was calling me to live a life that was completely honest before him. I understood that I had to individually receive Christ as my Saviour for me to personally experience God's love and plan for my life. It was not by my own merit or good deeds that I did. Ephesians 2:8,9 "By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as result of works that one should boast." Revelations 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him."
Even as a Christian growing up with all the Bible knowledge, it meant nothing until I made a personal decision. Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self and trusting Christ to forgive our sins and make us what he wants us to be. Just to agree intellectually that Christ died for our sins or having an emotional experience is not enough as I once thought. We receive Christ by Faith, as an act of the will.
You also can receive Christ right now by Faith by talking to God. God knows your heart which is the most important thing and is not concerned so much about how you pray but more importantly the attitude of your heart. Here is a suggested prayer:
Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be.
As one who had lived a hypocritical life but changed after I truly accepted Christ, I now experience life from a whole new perspective. I understand my purpose in life and I hope one day you do too. For me to share this about myself has been difficult, but I hope that Christ can make an impression in your life that will last a lifetime. Let me know if you have any questions or if would like to listen live online to a typical service that I attend you can go to www.frontlineic.com on Sunday at 5:30 pm eastern time. God Bless.
By the way, I have another friend, Pete, who saw my results and just bought the P90x program for himself and will be starting soon. I have some funny stories to share that happened this past Easter weekend. I fill you guys in hopefully tomorrow:) Thanks for all your support!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Day 35: P90x and Locking?
By the time I got home, it was 11:30 pm and I had to workout. I think my friends have officially declared me insane for my late night workouts. It is great to be able to balance my social life, family, exercise,work, and my faith which are all important facets of my life. I think with p90x I have developed more strength and stamina to be able to physically and mentally to do the things I enjoy.
On Saturday, my boys and I went to Champps to watch Uconn and Michigan St play in the final four NCAA basketball game. After the game, I was offered to go Line dancing, but I had to do my P90x, so I respectfully declined. I think the last time I heard country music was when I lived in Ohio during my residency. Well, I hope those who went had a good time! I think I will stick to Locking for now...lol
By the way, my cousin is starting the P90x program. We talked for about an hour and I was able to give my complete outline of what needed to be done before, during, and after the program. It is awesome to see people jumping aboard the P90x program. If there is anyone out there reading this blog that wants to start, I will motivate you and give you the quips and pearls to get started.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Day 28: Phase 1 complete...Time to take pics !
Well, I can't believe that I have completed phase 1 of P90x. So far the meal plan and exercises have all been completed as planned. There has been a few shortcomings with the food when I missed my snacks, but faithfully all the exercises have been completed during the first phase. I feel refreshed and energized.
My stamina and endurance has increased tremendously. I have lost fat and dropped my weight while gaining muscle mass slowly. Initially, during my workout secessions I thought of gaining bulk, but I have decided to become more tone with this program.
My wife is in California this weekend visiting her brother and was not around to take my pictures. Luckily, with some prodding, my friend was able to take my pictures with his camera. I can't wait to compare my pictures from day 1 until now to see the difference. I still have 62 more days left in the program and it only gets harder from this point. My muscles are ready to get confused!!!
Thanks for all your support. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Day 23: Last week of Phase 1
It has been quite a journey these past weeks as I am slowly starting to notice transformations even though I have a long way to go. Staff at the office is now starting to comment how much weight I have lost and how I am starting to swim in my clothes. I wonder if this is my chance to get a whole new wardrobe...lol. My body is starting to become somewhat defined. I have always tried to bulk up in the past but this time around I am trying to become lean to some degree.
Today, I was able to go to the Wizards' basketball game at the Verizon Center with a few of my friends. By the time we got back it was 10:30 pm. Another late night of workout and I just got done. I am ready to retire for the night!
After hyping up the program and keeping up with it so far, I have a few who now want to start the P90X program. It is great to see people coming out to join the battle in getting their bodies into shape and at least eating right. If I can make a difference not only for myself but also the people around me, then I have an accomplished something more than I expected to do in the first place.
As I end my first phase (fat shredding phase) this week, I see that the schedule ahead of me will become more intense. My diet will also change as the servings in each food group will be modified according to the nutritional manual.
P.S. Wish me luck. For those of you asking for pictures, I have to admit I am a bit bashful :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Day 15: Going strong in sunny Florida!

So you might wonder how I managed a second weekend in a row traveling and keeping up with the p90x program. It wasn't easy, but it worked out. Surely, I wasn't looking forward to fitting and carrying my pull-up bar in my duffel bag during my trip. Fortunately, I just needed a resistance band. My workout this time was entirely in a T-shaped bathroom.lol....I am not kidding! The rest was a Cardio workout that didn't require additional equipment. With some creativity, I used every corner of the bathroom as I had to do kicks and punches at different angles. The bathroom was off limits to Ami, so if she needed to do #1 or #2 she had her opportunity. Hey, whose says a man can't be in the bathroom over an hour? I don't bother her when she is playing with her hair and makeup.
One thing I learned during the trip was finding substitute foods. Normally, at home I would go to my kitchen and cook something healthy or make something for lunch the next day. I read through my p90x food planner and was able to make wiser food selections. I never thought I would eat a burger or sandwich without the buns. I remember my one meal that initially on the menu consisted of Italian sausage, fries, and a soda. By the time I was done ordering, the original meal changed to an Italian sausage with a fruit salad on the side with of course, water. I am learning new ways to dine healthy and changing the lawless diet lifestyle that I once was once accustomed to.
Today, I did another day of chest and back exercises and it was fun rather than a painstaking task. My heart was not beating erratically as when I first started two weeks ago. My endurance and stamina has jumped to the next level. Don't get me wrong, it will still take some time for me to keep up with the pros on the DVD, but I am hoping to get there sometime during the 90 day period. I feel like my muscles are so weak and they are being shredded to pieces. I browsed over next week’s exercise schedule and it seems like the muscle confusion routine will probably allow for the rest I need to recover my muscles or NOT. Stay “toned”…
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Day 10: The weekend warrior heading into week 2
The plan was taking my laptop, DVD, and gym equipment to workout in my fellow colleagues hotel suite. They were so gracious and kind to offer their room. Thanks. It was a double bed room so I was trying to figure out the best location to workout. I used a corner of the room to get started as I placed the pull-up bar outside the bathroom door. An hour later, I was sweating bullets. What a great workout even in a cramped room. Like my philosophy in life "Absolutely anything is possible" Well, I continued the same routine the rest of the weekend.
This is my second week into my workout routine and I am already seeing and feeling results. I felt like dying last week but my endurance and stamina has picked up. I still have a ways to go to keep up with the guys in the video, but it seems I am am making marked improvements. As long as I am progressing that is all that matters and it keeps me motivated to go forward.
The secretaries at the office are happy for me and they are starting to look closer into my program. Some are changing their eating habits and asking me for exercise advice. They want to start cooking healthy foods for themselves and their family members. My cousin also called me tonight to check on me to see how I was doing and when I was going to write my next blog. He is motivated by the blogs and has now restarted his workout routine on a consistent basis. Soon he will start P90X as I know many of you will in the near future.
Set a goal and take those baby steps toward achieving what you want in life whether it be exercising or reaching for that next career opportunity. Don't give up there is hope!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Day 4: The late night workout
The day started around 7 am as Ami and I headed toward DC for the conference. Lectures started in the morning and went all day until 5 pm followed by a young members reception. Later that night we headed to to a friend's place in MD and by the time I got home it was 11:30pm. Ami was half asleep and I was quite tired myself. I really needed some motivation so I dug down deep and found some inner strength. I made a commitment and I had to try to stick to it.
Finally, after collecting my workout equipment and setting up, I tried to play the DVD. Guess what? ???? The DVD started skipping and for some reason not functioning. At this point I was starting to panic. There was no way I was going to miss a day. Being frustrated, I went upstairs and with last hopes tried to play the DVD on my laptop. Surprisingly it played for me.
After a grueling 90 minute session , I am finally ready to hit the sack.
So far the program has been great and as a result I am incredibly sore. I happy to see all of your comments. If there are any question just let me know. Thanks for the support:)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Day 1: I just got my but kicked!!!
Luckily, it was a slow morning and I was able to head back home to eat lunch. There would be no way I would forgive myself if I started day 1 of p90x without my structured nutritional plan. After a somewhat decent schedule of patients, I came back home and was it time to eat dinner( 2 turkey burgers and a salad).
I waited 2 hrs before I started my workout. Words cannot describe the agony I felt during and after my workout. Pleading for mercy from the "Man" upstairs, I was hoping for strength to get through the workout in one piece. Today, I worked out my chest, back, and abs and it was difficult keeping up with the pros. You definitely have to be in shape to start the p90x program. There is a fit test to see if you qualify.
Well, I am glad I survived my first day and I know I have a long road ahead of me. I will need all your prayers and support. Will keep you posted as long as I have strength...lol
Sunday, March 1, 2009
One day before my start
Afterwards, I went to the store to pick up soy milk, bananas, and peanut butter to make my post workout smoothie. Thanks to Vir's handy cookbook, she introduced me to a high protein peanut butter banana smoothie. I tweaked the smoothie by adding strawberries,celery and an orange. I am pretty much ready for my start tomorrow as I have already prepared my lunch to take to work. (tuna, salad, and 2 string cheese as snacks).
My eating habit for the past 1 year has been no breakfast, lunch occasionally and dinner. During my residency training it was eat whenever you could and get back to work. The nutritional plan that p90x has structured allows me to eat 5x a day, something I will have to get used to quickly.
Before I head to bed tonight, I will look over my p90x chest/back and ab ripper x DVD to know what I am up against for my evening workout tomorrow.
This will be an interesting journey to see how far I can push myself and get the type of body I am looking for. Thanks for all those who have already posted on my blog. Look forward to hearing from the rest of you to get more positive reinforcement. Thanks.
Two days Before my Journey
I received the program about a month ago for my b-day. Well, you must think why I haven't even started. Let's say there was a lot of planning involved. There was a 150 page nutrition guide/manual that I reviewed and took notes on. I also organized a weekly eating schedule. Two days ago I went to the grocery store for 2 1/2 hours trying to purchase appropriate foods for my kitchen while dumping junk food into the trash. I purchased several items on Amazon to get started: 1)Pull up bar 2)Resistance band 3)Body Fat caliper 4)stopwatch 5)Yoga mat and blocks and just a few other things donated from Pe and Ke(Mclean bible church friends). In order to get results I know that I have to be prepared and it wasn't just about starting the program right away.
Tonight, I told everyone the program will be difficult and it would be no easy walk in the park. It is both exciting and nerve-racking to begin this journey, but I feel invigorated and motivated to move forward. My goal is to start eating right and have a great body (hopefully a six pack) at the end. I have two "nutritional experts", Pa and Vir, who can help me with my diet questions. Also Ne, my new "PR coordinator", should be given special thanks who encouraged to me start this blog.
Tomorrow, I will be at Vir and Al place for Brunch and I hope to show my P90x binder to those interested in knowing more about the program. I think I may have a few takers who might want to join me, but I think I am the guinea pig for now:) Wish me luck as I start on Monday 3/2/09.
P.S. I hope my wife gets me an iphone after all this is over. (hint hint)