Sunday, March 29, 2009
Day 28: Phase 1 complete...Time to take pics !
Well, I can't believe that I have completed phase 1 of P90x. So far the meal plan and exercises have all been completed as planned. There has been a few shortcomings with the food when I missed my snacks, but faithfully all the exercises have been completed during the first phase. I feel refreshed and energized.
My stamina and endurance has increased tremendously. I have lost fat and dropped my weight while gaining muscle mass slowly. Initially, during my workout secessions I thought of gaining bulk, but I have decided to become more tone with this program.
My wife is in California this weekend visiting her brother and was not around to take my pictures. Luckily, with some prodding, my friend was able to take my pictures with his camera. I can't wait to compare my pictures from day 1 until now to see the difference. I still have 62 more days left in the program and it only gets harder from this point. My muscles are ready to get confused!!!
Thanks for all your support. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Day 23: Last week of Phase 1
It has been quite a journey these past weeks as I am slowly starting to notice transformations even though I have a long way to go. Staff at the office is now starting to comment how much weight I have lost and how I am starting to swim in my clothes. I wonder if this is my chance to get a whole new My body is starting to become somewhat defined. I have always tried to bulk up in the past but this time around I am trying to become lean to some degree.
Today, I was able to go to the Wizards' basketball game at the Verizon Center with a few of my friends. By the time we got back it was 10:30 pm. Another late night of workout and I just got done. I am ready to retire for the night!
After hyping up the program and keeping up with it so far, I have a few who now want to start the P90X program. It is great to see people coming out to join the battle in getting their bodies into shape and at least eating right. If I can make a difference not only for myself but also the people around me, then I have an accomplished something more than I expected to do in the first place.
As I end my first phase (fat shredding phase) this week, I see that the schedule ahead of me will become more intense. My diet will also change as the servings in each food group will be modified according to the nutritional manual.
P.S. Wish me luck. For those of you asking for pictures, I have to admit I am a bit bashful :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Day 15: Going strong in sunny Florida!

So you might wonder how I managed a second weekend in a row traveling and keeping up with the p90x program. It wasn't easy, but it worked out. Surely, I wasn't looking forward to fitting and carrying my pull-up bar in my duffel bag during my trip. Fortunately, I just needed a resistance band. My workout this time was entirely in a T-shaped am not kidding! The rest was a Cardio workout that didn't require additional equipment. With some creativity, I used every corner of the bathroom as I had to do kicks and punches at different angles. The bathroom was off limits to Ami, so if she needed to do #1 or #2 she had her opportunity. Hey, whose says a man can't be in the bathroom over an hour? I don't bother her when she is playing with her hair and makeup.
One thing I learned during the trip was finding substitute foods. Normally, at home I would go to my kitchen and cook something healthy or make something for lunch the next day. I read through my p90x food planner and was able to make wiser food selections. I never thought I would eat a burger or sandwich without the buns. I remember my one meal that initially on the menu consisted of Italian sausage, fries, and a soda. By the time I was done ordering, the original meal changed to an Italian sausage with a fruit salad on the side with of course, water. I am learning new ways to dine healthy and changing the lawless diet lifestyle that I once was once accustomed to.
Today, I did another day of chest and back exercises and it was fun rather than a painstaking task. My heart was not beating erratically as when I first started two weeks ago. My endurance and stamina has jumped to the next level. Don't get me wrong, it will still take some time for me to keep up with the pros on the DVD, but I am hoping to get there sometime during the 90 day period. I feel like my muscles are so weak and they are being shredded to pieces. I browsed over next week’s exercise schedule and it seems like the muscle confusion routine will probably allow for the rest I need to recover my muscles or NOT. Stay “toned”…
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Day 10: The weekend warrior heading into week 2
The plan was taking my laptop, DVD, and gym equipment to workout in my fellow colleagues hotel suite. They were so gracious and kind to offer their room. Thanks. It was a double bed room so I was trying to figure out the best location to workout. I used a corner of the room to get started as I placed the pull-up bar outside the bathroom door. An hour later, I was sweating bullets. What a great workout even in a cramped room. Like my philosophy in life "Absolutely anything is possible" Well, I continued the same routine the rest of the weekend.
This is my second week into my workout routine and I am already seeing and feeling results. I felt like dying last week but my endurance and stamina has picked up. I still have a ways to go to keep up with the guys in the video, but it seems I am am making marked improvements. As long as I am progressing that is all that matters and it keeps me motivated to go forward.
The secretaries at the office are happy for me and they are starting to look closer into my program. Some are changing their eating habits and asking me for exercise advice. They want to start cooking healthy foods for themselves and their family members. My cousin also called me tonight to check on me to see how I was doing and when I was going to write my next blog. He is motivated by the blogs and has now restarted his workout routine on a consistent basis. Soon he will start P90X as I know many of you will in the near future.
Set a goal and take those baby steps toward achieving what you want in life whether it be exercising or reaching for that next career opportunity. Don't give up there is hope!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Day 4: The late night workout
The day started around 7 am as Ami and I headed toward DC for the conference. Lectures started in the morning and went all day until 5 pm followed by a young members reception. Later that night we headed to to a friend's place in MD and by the time I got home it was 11:30pm. Ami was half asleep and I was quite tired myself. I really needed some motivation so I dug down deep and found some inner strength. I made a commitment and I had to try to stick to it.
Finally, after collecting my workout equipment and setting up, I tried to play the DVD. Guess what? ???? The DVD started skipping and for some reason not functioning. At this point I was starting to panic. There was no way I was going to miss a day. Being frustrated, I went upstairs and with last hopes tried to play the DVD on my laptop. Surprisingly it played for me.
After a grueling 90 minute session , I am finally ready to hit the sack.
So far the program has been great and as a result I am incredibly sore. I happy to see all of your comments. If there are any question just let me know. Thanks for the support:)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Day 1: I just got my but kicked!!!
Luckily, it was a slow morning and I was able to head back home to eat lunch. There would be no way I would forgive myself if I started day 1 of p90x without my structured nutritional plan. After a somewhat decent schedule of patients, I came back home and was it time to eat dinner( 2 turkey burgers and a salad).
I waited 2 hrs before I started my workout. Words cannot describe the agony I felt during and after my workout. Pleading for mercy from the "Man" upstairs, I was hoping for strength to get through the workout in one piece. Today, I worked out my chest, back, and abs and it was difficult keeping up with the pros. You definitely have to be in shape to start the p90x program. There is a fit test to see if you qualify.
Well, I am glad I survived my first day and I know I have a long road ahead of me. I will need all your prayers and support. Will keep you posted as long as I have
Sunday, March 1, 2009
One day before my start
Afterwards, I went to the store to pick up soy milk, bananas, and peanut butter to make my post workout smoothie. Thanks to Vir's handy cookbook, she introduced me to a high protein peanut butter banana smoothie. I tweaked the smoothie by adding strawberries,celery and an orange. I am pretty much ready for my start tomorrow as I have already prepared my lunch to take to work. (tuna, salad, and 2 string cheese as snacks).
My eating habit for the past 1 year has been no breakfast, lunch occasionally and dinner. During my residency training it was eat whenever you could and get back to work. The nutritional plan that p90x has structured allows me to eat 5x a day, something I will have to get used to quickly.
Before I head to bed tonight, I will look over my p90x chest/back and ab ripper x DVD to know what I am up against for my evening workout tomorrow.
This will be an interesting journey to see how far I can push myself and get the type of body I am looking for. Thanks for all those who have already posted on my blog. Look forward to hearing from the rest of you to get more positive reinforcement. Thanks.
Two days Before my Journey
I received the program about a month ago for my b-day. Well, you must think why I haven't even started. Let's say there was a lot of planning involved. There was a 150 page nutrition guide/manual that I reviewed and took notes on. I also organized a weekly eating schedule. Two days ago I went to the grocery store for 2 1/2 hours trying to purchase appropriate foods for my kitchen while dumping junk food into the trash. I purchased several items on Amazon to get started: 1)Pull up bar 2)Resistance band 3)Body Fat caliper 4)stopwatch 5)Yoga mat and blocks and just a few other things donated from Pe and Ke(Mclean bible church friends). In order to get results I know that I have to be prepared and it wasn't just about starting the program right away.
Tonight, I told everyone the program will be difficult and it would be no easy walk in the park. It is both exciting and nerve-racking to begin this journey, but I feel invigorated and motivated to move forward. My goal is to start eating right and have a great body (hopefully a six pack) at the end. I have two "nutritional experts", Pa and Vir, who can help me with my diet questions. Also Ne, my new "PR coordinator", should be given special thanks who encouraged to me start this blog.
Tomorrow, I will be at Vir and Al place for Brunch and I hope to show my P90x binder to those interested in knowing more about the program. I think I may have a few takers who might want to join me, but I think I am the guinea pig for now:) Wish me luck as I start on Monday 3/2/09.
P.S. I hope my wife gets me an iphone after all this is over. (hint hint)